Online by clicking HERE or contact the assistance service at our non-stop helpline for drivers +420 296 333 666.
In case of scheduled vehicle servicing, please select "Replacement vehicle".
Online by clicking HERE or contact the assistance service at our non-stop helpline for drivers +420 296 333 666 (extension 2).
You can find the information in the digital card DriverPass in the section „My services“. For more information please contact your company’s fleet manager or write to us. We can also help you at the Drivalia non-stop hotline for drivers at +420 296 333 666.
Replacement vehicle free of charge during the period of repair of the vehicle with maximum of 2 days, validity only in Czech Republic.
Replacement vehicle free of charge during the period of repair of the vehicle with maximum of 5 days, validity within EU (insurance covers claims occurring in the Czech Republic and in countries that are part of the international agreement on mutual recognition of insurance for liability caused by the operation of a motor vehicle).
Replacement vehicle free of charge during the period of repair of the vehicle with maximum of 10 days, validity within EU (insurance covers claims occurring in the Czech Republic and in countries that are part of the international agreement on mutual recognition of insurance for liability caused by the operation of a motor vehicle). The Plus package includes repatriation of the repaired vehicle from abroad.
Please call the Drivalia non-stop hotline for drivers at +420 296 333 666 (extension 2).
You can continue using the vehicle provided through the assistance service, however, the costs will be charged to your company. If you don’t want to use the vehicle provided through the assistance service after the free period, please call the Drivalia non-stop hotline for drivers at +420 296 333 666 (extension 2).