
Leasing products


Select the right solution that fits the specific needs of your business. We will carry out an analysis and propose the right operational leasing product. On top of that, we will customize it for you.

Comfort Plan

Comfort Plan offers a wide range of services and is suitable for fleet management of mid-size companies.

With Comfort Plan, we guarantee the costs related to the vehicle operation. It is based on the principle of closed calculation, as it focuses on low monthly payment while providing high-quality services.

For whom is Comfort Plan suitable?

Comfort Plan is primarily used by companies that:

  • have various sizes of vehicle fleet
  • do not want to lose time with the fleet management
  • wish to reduce the costs of vehicle purchase, operation and sale, or fix these costs
  • need to budget effectively their costs.

Advantages of Comfort Plan

  • Comfort Plan is based on the principle of closed calculation. The monthly lease installment is agreed at the beginning and does not change during the lease.
  • Your account manager is your one-point contact at Drivalia.
  • You don't have to worry about arranging servicing, tire change, processing of invoices from suppliers or insurance company, all is taken care of by Drivalia.
  • You only select the additional services if they fit your business needs.
  • The costs of vehicle fleet operations are guaranteed, including maintenance and repairs. This makes your internal budgeting easier.
  • We guarantee the vehicle residual value.

Partner Plan

Partner Plan is a complex solution in the form of full-service leasing and is based on the principle of open calculation. That means that all potential savings on maintenance and tire service are returned to the client after the lease expiry.

The client can make selection from a wide range of accompanying services.

For whom is Partner Plan suitable?
Partner Plan is primarily used by companies that:

  • have larger vehicle fleet
  • wish to reduce the costs of vehicle purchase, operation and sale, or fix these costs
  • do not want to lose time with the administration needed for vehicle fleet management
  • need to budget effectively their costs.

Advantages of Partner Plan

  • Partner Plan is based on the principle of open calculation. The monthly lease installment is agreed at the beginning and does not change during the lease. After the lease expiry, all potential savings on vehicle sale, maintenance and tire service are returned to you.
  • The risk of exceeding the calculated costs is born by Drivalia, you do not pay anything extra after the lease expiry.
  • The guaranteed monthly installment means that you can budget effectively and precisely your costs connected to vehicle operations.
  • You only select the additional services if they fit your business needs or needs of your drivers.
  • By outsourcing the fleet management you will save your time, costs and administrative workload.


Do you need to be flexible in your planning?

FlexiPlan is just for you! The advantages of long-term operational leasing with maximum flexibility. You're not bound by a year-long contract - you arrange mobility for your drivers when you need it.

Find out more about FlexiPlan


Owner Plan

Owner Plan offers all advantages of operational leasing to companies that prefer to keep their car fleets in their ownership while saving on their administrative workload.

For whom is Owner Plan suitable?
Owner Plan is primarily used by companies that:

  • wish to own their company cars
  • do not want to lose time with the fleet management
  • wish to control their costs of vehicle fleet operation
  • need to budget effectively their costs
  • have vehicle fleets of various sizes.

Advantages of Owner Plan

  • Vehicles remain in the ownership of your company, Drivalia takes care of the fleet management.
  • This product can be applied to new and used cars.
  • The costs of vehicle fleet operation is distributed evenly to regular monthly installments.
  • The installments for individual vehicles may be set up according to your needs.
  • The services are settled based on real costs - you only pay for what you use.
  • You save on paperwork - just one monthly invoice.
  • Your account manager is your one-point contact at Drivalia.
  • You will gain overview of your fleet thanks to our online applications with details about every vehicle while Drivalia takes care of the day-to-day operations.
  • You only select the additional services if they fit your business needs.

Sale & Lease Back

Sale & Lease Back is a product offering refinancing of your current fleet in the form of sale of the vehicles to Drivalia, and their subsequent lease to the client under the operational leasing contract.

That way you gain additional financial resources needed for further growth of your business.

For whom is Sale & Lease Back suitable?
Sale & Lease Back is used primarily by companies that:

  • own their company cars, regardless of the fleet size
  • wish to make use of the financial resources from sale of the vehicles
  • do not want to lose time with the fleet management
  • wish to control their costs of vehicle fleet operation
  • need to budget effectively their costs
  • wish to purchase the new cars in the form of operational leasing.

Advantages of Sale & Lease Back

  • The services are settled based on real costs - you only pay for what you use and all savings are yours.
  • You save on paperwork - just one monthly invoice with a fixed installment.
  • An individual lease installment is set for each vehicle, corresponding with the actual state of the vehicle.
  • This product is ideal as an interim solution for the transfer of the fleet from ownership to full-service operational leasing with guaranteed costs.
  • Your account manager is your one-point contact at Drivalia.
  • You only select the additional services if they fit your business needs.
  • You will gain overview of your fleet thanks to our online applications with details about every vehicle while Drivalia takes care of the day-to-day operations.
  • Drivalia will arrange the highway stickers, payment of road tax and radio tax, as well as insurance and vehicle maintenance.

Drivalia Go

Are you an entrepreneur or a company with fleet of 1-10 vehicles?

Drivalia Go is our long-term vehicle rental program for small companies. You will take advantage of a number of services and benefits connected with the vehicle operation in the duration of the contract.

Find out more about Drivalia Go
