
Electronic highway vignette

Dear clients,

In connection with the transition to electronic vignettes, we would like to assure you that all vehicles for which you have arranged a vignette product with us are equipped with a valid annual electronic vignette.

The portal offers verification of the validity of highway signs. You will see information about the validity of your vignette from the 1st day of this validity.

Exemptions and special rates

  • Electric, hydrogen or hybrid vehicles (CO2 emissions up to 50 g/km) are automatically exempt from motorway charges if they have a special number plate (starting with the letters EL).

  • For vehicles that meet the exemption conditions but are not equipped with a special license plate, we are providing a Notice of Exemption.

  • We apply a reduced EKO rate to CNG powered vehicles.

If you have any questions, please contact your Drivaiia contact person.

Your Drivalia Team


If you do not have a Highway Vignette Service with our company, its acquisition is at your discretion. However, when ordering a vehicle to be transported through our company (e.g. returning the vehicle at the end of the lease or taking the car to a garage), the vehicle must be equipped with a valid electronic highway sign. We always take the car by the shortest route that can follow the paid segments.


The portal offers validation. You will always see the validity information from day 1 of the electronic highway sign. We have also expanded our MyFleet reporting tool, where you can find data on the validity of highway signs in an overview of all vehicles.

Under current legislation, it is not necessary to carry the certificate. The police have access to the electronic highway signs register.

If you have a Highway Vignette Service with us, we will arrange Notification to be filed to change the license plate and the electronic highway vignette will be transferred to the newly assigned license plate of the vehicle.

You can buy the stamp yourself at, or at other distribution points. You can also contact your contact person with us and have the Highway Vignette Service arranged by Drivalia.